Mahmud Suboh, Versi viaggiatori verso sud…Palestina! Verses travelling South … to Palestine!

I versi di Mahmoud Suboh, medico, poeta e attivista per i diritti umani, vengono dal profondo del cuore, come un grido di resistenza contro la violenza e l’ingiustizia. Sono poesie caratterizzate dalla sete di pace e dalla ricerca di armonia in una terra dimenticata da molti e difesa da chi lotta contro i mulini e i giganti; per la volontà di un popolo di possedere il proprio Paese e di vedere il proprio diritto alla vita completamente rispettato. Sono versi che contengono tutta la volontà della pazienza, della speranza in un futuro migliore che senza dubbio giungerà con la lotta della Palestina e con la solidarietà di coloro che sosterranno il suo popolo.


Mahmoud Suboh was born in Bethlehem in 1959. After finishing basic studies, he came to Italy to study medicine and specialized in nephrology. He currently works as a doctor in Cagliari. He spends his free time in political commitment so as to let others know about the truth of Palestine’s tragedy and the unfairness suffered by its people. He is currently a member of the board of the Palestinian Community in Sardinia.


Mahmoud Suboh’s verses come from deep within his heart. They sprout like a resistance cry against violence and unfairness. His poems are full of a quest for peace and harmony in this land, forgotten by many, but defended by brave people who dare to fight against windmills and giants. His poems reveal the will of an entire people to see its rights respected and its will to have a country of its own. These are verses that reveal the will of patience of this people waiting for a better future, that will certainly arrive with Palestine’s struggling and the solidarity of those who help its people.